How do you know where you are going, if you do not know where you have come from?



The former Huntley Township, was first amalgamated with Fitzroy and Torbolton Townships to form the Township of West Carleton. In 2001, the former Township of West Carleton was amalgamated into the City of Ottawa. More details of the history of Huntley Township can be found on the history page (see below for link).

As part of its mandate to publish and display related materials, this web site has been created. The interest in the site and the Society that has been shown by the quantity of e-mail that it has generated, shows that it is fulfilling its goal. Most of the respondents are interested in tracing their family roots in Huntley Township. Others are simply trying to find lost family History page. Schools have used our site as a basis for projects. Private industry, Provincial government departments, and various departments of the City of Ottawa have requested information for planning and for legal purposes.

We hold our monthly business meetings on the first Tuesday of the month and our monthly events are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month. The latter may involve a presenation by a guest speaker, a field trip or other activity. Our next scheduled events are listed on the events page. In order to include our members who do not live near Carp, we plan to hold several events virtually every year. We also publish a monthly Newsletter which is generally mailed, e-mailed, or posted in the members area of this web site, by the Monday following the business meeting.

The Society has published a number of books and pamphlets on the history of the Township most of which are still in print and available for purchase. These are described in some detail on the Publications page. Note that the "out-of-print" publications are now available in digital format on CD.

We also are active within the community giving presentations at the local schools, Heritage Day in Ottawa, sponsoring prizes at the Carp Fair and manning a booth at the Carp Fair, Gene-o-Rama, and other local events. We are also members of the Ontario Historical Society and the Capital Heritage Connexion.

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The Huntley Township Historical Society would like to acknowledge the financial assistance of the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries and The City of Ottawa

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